Hi folks, I think the Gerrit Trigger plug-in got updated again (to 2.22.0) and broke the retriggering of jobs by Gerrit comments. If it got updated please downgrade to 2.21.1. If it's this version, something is still broken, but then I don't know what. :) This is our conversation in #centos about it last time this happened (on the 6th of September): (01:43:13 PM) adarazs: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Trigger -> Version 2.22.0 (released Aug 17 2016) -> JENKINS-30821 - Add comment-added comment as job parameter (pull #295) -> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-30821 (01:43:13 PM) adarazs: -> looks to me like they were messing with this exact part of the plug-in and this is a contender for having this specific error appear while trying to fetch the comment that triggered the job. (01:43:25 PM) arrfab: adarazs: version is 2.22.0 so it seems the last one (01:44:35 PM) adarazs: it might help to downgrade to Version 2.21.1 (released Jun 07 2016) -Attila