[Ci-users] FYI : temporary secondary rdo-jenkins slave node

Fabian Arrotin

arrfab at centos.org
Fri Sep 16 12:18:41 UTC 2016


As discussed with Attila this morning, there were quite some issues on
the rdo-jenkins.ci.centos.org VM in the last days (leading to jenkins
slave not running and all jobs not running either).
Lot of xfs issues on the /home partition, and no xfs_repair didn't seem
to have helped.
As agreed with Attila, I deployed a rdo-jenkins-2.ci.centos.org VM (on
the same hypervisor) with a reduced vcpu/memory so that he can then
configure it (through the RDO ansible playbooks) and migrate what would
need to be migrated (like probably the jenkins workspace on that node)

After we'll have confirmation that it seems to work fine, we'll shutdown
the previous VM, and we'll change the vcpu/memory settings on the newly
configured VM.

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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