[Ci-users] JJB Config & Git Repository Settings

Thu Apr 13 13:55:30 UTC 2017
Pavel Odvody <podvody at redhat.com>


I have the following configuration for JJB:

At least the scm/git part looks merely identical to other JJB jobs I've seen before, but 
it seems that Jenkins is having trouble checking out the particular branch 
(https://ci.centos.org/job/leapp-integration-tests/8/console) as if there was
some error in the expansion of '${{ghprbActualCommit}}'.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something basic, has anyone encountered this?



Pavel Odvody <podvody at redhat.com>
Sr. Software Engineer - Platform Engineering
5EC1 95C1 8E08 5BD9 9BBF 9241 3AFA 3A66 024F F68D

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