[Ci-users] Looking for a home for the Ceylon build system

Tako Schotanus

tschotan at redhat.com
Thu Aug 31 13:07:04 UTC 2017


Ceylon is the programming language that was for years sponsored by RedHat
and which is now moving to Eclipse.
All his time we've been using Jenkins running on OpenShift v2 to do our
nightly builds (https://ci-ceylon.rhcloud.com).
But as you know OpenShift v2 is about to be shut down and the free service
for v3 doesn't have enough capacity to do our builds.
So we're looking for a new home to host our nightly builds and we've been
told that ci.centos.org might be a good option for us.

So can we host Ceylon's build here? What would we have to do?





Red Hat

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