[Ci-users] CR and CiCo

Tue Aug 8 11:36:06 UTC 2017
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 08/08/17 01:39, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> hi,
> with the next release coming up - the CR repos are going to get
> populated ahead of the distro release itself - typically, this can be a
> week or so ahead.
> What this means to cico tenants is that their machines, when yum
> updated, will reflect the content in the next release. Any user, on or
> off cico, with the cr-repo enabled, will be in the same situation.
> However, cbs.centos.org will NOT have the CR/ content added in till
> AFTER the release is done for media. With a week to 10 day gap between
> the two events, if you tenant needs to manage this issue, please do.
> However, if you do find issues in the builds and tests, please let us
> know - a good goal is to have all SIG content validated ahead of the
> next-release, or to handle any problems that the users might see, ahead
> of time.
> please feel free to reach out on irc, lists, emails, phones etc i
> regards

Just to add that
- CR will be populated for x86_64, but will lack AltArch
- there will be also a delay at the CBS/Builders side between x86_64
(when it will be released and used in koji) and AltArch (released later
and not in sync)

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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