[Ci-users] local caching for docker images

Wed Jan 18 10:09:48 UTC 2017
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 17/01/17 19:20, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 17/01/17 19:11, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> On 17/01/17 15:00, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
>>> On 13/01/17 22:25, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> the docker-distribution package can act as a smart proxy for docker
>>>> registries; and having a local cache inside the ci infra would help
>>>> speed up a lot of the jobs I am working with at the moment there.
>>>> Do we have the space to host a cache of this nature ? I'd think a 15 to
>>>> 20 GB of space is all we need.
>>>> Could we then have dns inside the ci infra use this cache for the
>>>> dockerhub urls ?
>>>> Any objections to getting this in ?
>>>> regards
>>> I'd say it's oable, and we already "override" some DNS records
>>> internally to redirect to internal node/mirror in the same network
>>> (known example : mirrorlist.centos.org)
>>> But the only question I have is about the dockerhub urls : are those
>>> using tcp/443 and so TLS ? if so, that will not work as we can't
>>> impersonate such server (and thanks to TLS btw). If they are only using
>>> plain tcp/80 or tcp/5000 , that should work
>> I think the docker-proxy actually handles this case, is it possible to
>> test once ?
> We can, but that I meant was that it will not be transparent as it it
> would get it from dockerhub : if one adds the internal "proxy" as
> "insecure" registry, itself being the docker-distribution proxy that
> will fetch from "upstream dockerhub" then it will work (afaik). Let me
> test this

So I tested two things :

= ensuring docker knows that it has to use an internal mirror registry
docker daemon supports a "--registry-mirror=" option for  the daemon, so
it knows that it has to fetch images through that internal mirror and
not from docker.io (in fact registry-1.docker.io)
So we just need docker-distribution installed and configured internally
(can even be on the internal CI mirror), and images are automatically
pulled/cached from docker.io to that internal node.

Pros : easy
Cons : need to ensure that all people modify their jobs to add that line
to /etc/sysconfig/docker and restart docker before using the internal
cache/mirror registry

= playing the MITM (yeah)
Still same technique for the caching server, but instead of plain
tcp/5000, we have apache in front, running on tcp/443 with cert for
registry-1.docker.io (sic !), and using proxypass on localhost:5000 (to
reach docker-distribution cache) . We can overidde registry-1.docker.io
A record internally (as we do for other records)

Pros : transparent and nothing do at the docker daemon level on the ci
bare-metal node (except update-ca-trust, see in the Cons section)
Cons : this is "on the edge" as it's really a MITM operation, and for
that one to be working, we then need to add our CA crt on each
provisioned node (can be done at kickstart level) and update-ca-trust.
Also we have to keep an eye on it, as if suddenly they change the
default registry A record in the docker code, we'll have to adapt and
regen another "fake" cert

Comments welcome before we decide which way to go :-)

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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