[Ci-users] Integration with GitHub PR - Tendrl project

Fri Feb 2 12:09:08 UTC 2018
Daniel Horák <dahorak at redhat.com>

Hi all,

we have bunch of jobs configured accordingly to [1] - Mode 2: Trigger a
build for each Pull Request.

The jobs seems to be triggered correctly for each new or updated PR,
but the status of the job is not reflected correctly back to github.

One of our developers already added *centos-ci* user to the Tendrl
organization as a collaborator with write access to each repo.

And every triggered job starts and end with long traceback starting with:

   FileNotFoundException means that the credentials Jenkins
   is using is probably wrong. Or the user account does not
   have write access to the repo.

In the *GitHub Pull Request Builder* section of the job configuration,
the *GitHub API credentials* are set to:
   https://api.github.com : Anonymous connection

Is this correct? Or should we configure it differently?
We are using JJB for the job configuration, but I've omitted the
*auth-id* parameter. Should I configure it somehow?

Or should there be some other action from the *centos-ci* user?

[1] https://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/CI/GithubIntegration
