[Ci-users] ci.centos.org jenkins update

Thu Dec 17 10:18:25 UTC 2020
Vipul Siddharth <vipul at redhat.com>

Hi folks,
We are planning to update all the plugins (compatible) installed on
ci.centos.org jenkins instance.
I will do it tomorrow morning (Dec 18th) at 9am UTC. I will start
preparing for shutdown then and all the jobs triggered post that will
go in the queue until the instance has updated the plugin and

I would also like to open a question to you all who are using OCP4
cluster. How would you want to manage Jenkins update for your
namespace? There are multiple ways from them being auto updated
whenever we update the cluster (this is by default that we use),
time'd/self trigger updates, or updates on change in tags.
I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

Thank you
Vipul Siddharth
Fedora | CentOS CI Infrastructure Team