[Ci-users] Dirty nodes

Mon Jan 20 21:28:05 UTC 2020
František Šumšal <frantisek at sumsal.cz>

On 1/20/20 10:12 PM, Vipul Siddharth wrote:
> so the issue is another one of the reinstallation problems where it
> rolls back to the previous version.
> In +Katerina Foniok's case, it contained old data
> and in +František Šumšal's case, it was not actually a C8 node but a
> C7 marked wrongly.
> The solution is to confirm twice (after installing the OS) in duffy..
> and the way we think that would be very easy to implement would be to
> check number of ssh key in authorized_keys. If it contains more in
> ready state, that means it still has old data and instead of ready,
> put it in some other state which I can take a look at later on.
> This would be a quick fix but till then, I will drain the pufty
> chassis (this is one with problems)
> and reset the chassis (this has fixed the problem in the past so far)

Thank you very much for your analysis and prompt solution!

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