[Ci-users] Changes to CentOS CI: reminder of Phase 1 and 2

Wed Aug 24 05:29:48 UTC 2022
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 24/08/2022 00:48, František Šumšal wrote:
> Hey!
> On 8/23/22 16:41, Camila Granella wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Earlier today the infra team attempted to bump the amount of metal 
>> machines
>> available for provisioning on Duffy.
>> However, the AWS API returned that currently there is no capacity to 
>> provision
>> metal machines in the Availability Zone we are currently in (us-east-1a).
>> For this reason, we will need to default to the use of EC2.
>> Let us know if you need anything from our end to support you adapting 
>> your
>> workflows to it.
> After thinking about this a bit more, I'd have one (quite naïve idea) - 
> would it be possible to get in touch with the "other side" (i.e. people 
> responsible for AWS) and ask them about a possibility of enabling nested 
> virt for the CentOS CI pool? I have no idea about what's the reason 
> behind no-nested virt anywhere (I suspect it's due to security-related 
> reasons) and if it's even possible to enable in in the current EC2 
> infra, but having it enabled would, in the end, benefit all involved 
> parties (especially given the infra is apparently sponsored by 
> AWS/Amazon). As voiced by me several project currently utilizing CentOS 
> CI - there are certain workflows which can't be run on the current EC2 
> machines, and as much as I'd like to use them (to avoid wasting 
> resources unnecessarily), I simply can't.
> Again, this is just my late-night spitballing in hopes to find some 
> suitable middle-ground, so if it doesn't make sense, please let me know.

Well, if AWS, world-wide, never enabled it for all their paying 
customers, I doubt they'd do it for a *whole* region just for a 
sponsored account .. ;-)
So basically I guess it's safe to answer that it's not possible (I guess 
that's also the explanation about why they still let you request a metal 
node, but in limited quantity vs the "classic" and default EC2 instances)

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab
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