[Ci-users] Changes to CentOS CI: reminder of Phase 1 and 2

Tue Aug 23 15:00:29 UTC 2022
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 23/08/2022 16:52, Evgeni Golov wrote:
> Camila,
> Do you know where (roughly) the limit for metal is? Right now (in this 
> thread), I see three projects wanting/needing virtualization 
> capabilities and thus metal (systemd, networkmanager, foreman).
> That means that, even if projects adjust their tests to run multiple 
> things on one metal host, there might still be at least three parallel 
> machines needed (or the projects will block each other, which would be 
> very unfortunate).
> Evgeni

If you look at actual status, we already have 10 metal nodes in parallel 
(and we can't provision more due to AWS lack of nodes in these zones).
So yes, if each tenant can just ask for *one* metal node and adapt 
workflow so that they can run their ci jobs on top of that single metal 
node, that would (in theory) work ... It just needs some orchestration 
at the tenant jobs side

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab
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