[Ci-users] [CentOS-devel] Changes to CentOS CI: New OpenShift instance and Updates

Fri Dec 2 16:53:13 UTC 2022
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 02/12/2022 11:43, Camila Granella wrote:
> /TL;DR: new OpenShift instance is up and running for CentOS CI, migrate 
> your workloads by March 31st, 2023. Test your access to both the Duffy 
> API and the new OpenShift instance by the end of 2022. CentOS CI changes 
> approaching the end of Phase 3. /
> Hello everyone,
> We are happy to announce that the new OpenShift instance is up and 
> running (ticket [0]). For the tenants that opted in to continue using 
> CentOS CI, you are being required to *migrate your workload to the new 
> OpenShift instance by the end of Q1CY23*, with the final deadline being 
> *_March 31st, 2023_*.
> In order to support you through the migration process, the team has 
> created a quick guide that can be found in [1].
> We would also like to request you test your access to both the Duffy API 
> and the new OpenShift instance by the *end of 2022*. Please reach out to 
> us in case it is not working.
> Here is the link to the new OCP cluster [2]. As a reminder, this new OCP 
> cluster is running in AWS, on top of EC2 instances, so coming with 
> different limitations when compared with “on-premises bare-metal OCP 
> deployments”. One notable change is that it is not possible to expose 
> /dev/kvm and so there is no way for tenants to deploy VMs through 
> OpenShift (like with the kubevirt operator or else). Tenants having a 
> need to use VMs can then request some through Duffy API.
> Finally, here's a friendly reminder of the CentOS CI changes' current 
> status.
> According to our previous communications [3], we are approaching the end 
> of the last phase of the changes that have been implemented to CentOS CI.
> *Phase 3 - Decommission*
>   * Legacy/compatibility API deprecated and requests (even for EC2
>     instances) will no longer be accepted
>   * All tenants that opted in will be using only EC2 for aarch64/x86_64
>     and on-premise cloud for ppc64le
> For a full description of the project phases, you can check [3].
> Please, feel free to reach out to us in case you have any questions or 
> concerns.
> Regards,

Just a small note about this : the new cluster will continue to use 
FAS/ACO (https://accounts.centos.org) for authentication but now 
additional groups (prefixed ocp-cico-<project>) are also created and 
group memberships automatically applied in OCP.

The groups created in FAS/ACO reflect the list of CI tenants that 
initially opted-in in the past (when we asked which projects would need 
to continue using duffy and openshift).

That means that if you never opted-in, of course you'll not see any 
namespace/project/group created on new one, but probably because we 
never received any feedback. If that's the case, feel free to reach out 
through ticket on pagure.io/centos-infra/issues and we'll review the 
request with Camilla.

Kind Regards,

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab

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