[CentOS-devel] Why not a fusion between CentOS and SL?

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Thu Mar 24 09:12:31 UTC 2011

On 03/24/2011 11:07 AM, Dag Wieers wrote:

>>>> if you examine certain packages you will notice that there are linking
>>>> differences between what SL ships and what RH ships.
>>> Can you give an example of such package/binary?
>> I can but I am not sure that I may. So I won't.
> Manuel,
> I don't see any reason why you may not share incompatibilities found in
> Scientific Linux ? Can you shed a light on why that is ?
> Other team members already disclosed two of those, so is there a reason
> why not all of them are shared with the Scientific Linux team ?
There was no deep secret, just a matter of timming. It was not my answer 
to give, I wanted to be sure that Johny & Karanbir take the needed 
fixing steps first.
And as you might have already found out, Johny has already provided the 
answer and RH has already acknowledged the bug in their bugzilla. It's 
as simple as that.

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