[CentOS] Decompiler?

Mike McCarty

Mike.McCarty at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 23 21:31:27 UTC 2010

Hadi Motamedi wrote:
> Dear All
> I have disassembled the object file on my CentOS server , by the following :
> #objdump wmain
> In the output , I have recognized the intended subroutine that I need
> to find the exact command syntax that it sends out . To this end , I
> tried to capture it through 'tcpdump' but didn't success . I read
> this segment assembly language code but it is somewhat difficult to
> decode . Can you please let me know what CentOS decompiler is
> suitable for this case ? I tried with 'decompyle' but it didn't get
> through.

As a possible answer to this question on a more fundamental level,
it has been shown that decompiling is NP-Complete, hence that there
is no reasonable way actually to do it in the general case.

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