As December is upon us for the 2nd time in this SIG's history, we want to
take a bit of time to reflect on the amazing work done over the past year,
and to give a glimpse of what we will be working on in 2023.
This year, the Automotive SIG celebrated its first anniversary. We now have
a robust repository housed within the CentOS domain, open to contributions
by the public - and indeed we had our first contributor from outside Red
Hat in October (thanks CJ!), which is a great example of the value we hope
we are bringing to automotive Linux development. In addition to the
repositories, we have a strong nightly build structure providing a
continuous stream of images that are easy to download and get running via
QEMU or on a Raspberry Pi 4. The image uses Stream 9 components with a
customized (real time) kernel, a good example of CentOS Stream based
development, and a fun and interesting project.
Since the anniversary, we have also implemented support for the growing
SOAFEE specification, including a SOAFEE compatible image and (now? soon?)
support for the Autoware Open AD Kit through its SOAFEE blueprint, released
in November.
In the upcoming year, we will continue to build software as well as
relationships with SOAFEE, Eclipse SDV, and many other open SDV-oriented
communities. We have also fielded interest about new hardware, and in the
first part of next year we will be developing guidelines around porting and
support - how to get AutoSD running, and how to bring that support into our
CI/CD system.
Our next meeting is set for January 4 at 7am PST / 4pm CET. We hope you
will join us to talk about plans for the next year and whatever is on your
mind regarding software-defined vehicles. Meanwhile we hope you have a good
holiday season!
Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon | jefro(a)
Red Hat Office of the CTO | Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive