Mr. Parsley, the main man at the Tao Linux group, has announced that he will
no longer be able to do his thing for Tao Linux. Just recently, I had
decided to investigate CentOS 4 before his announcement, and liked a lot of
what I saw. Due to the Tao announcement, I have decided that CentOS will
"have" to be the OS for my company in the future. Hence, my new membership
to this list.
I would like any opionions any of you may have to offer, and perhaps, some
suggestions on migration to CentOS 3.7 from Tao 1 Update 6.
I have usually applied updates only when needed on my current servers. Some
cannot be updated due to the commercial applications being ran on them. So
my first concern is the lateral migration to make CentOS 3 work on my
current Tao 1 machines.
The next phase, which would have happened with Tao anyway, would be to
upgrade to the 2.6 kernel of the newer release. Obviously, this will be
CentOS 4 instead of Tao 4 now, but that will be much later.
I apologize for the length of this, but could use the hindsight, or any
other vision, that you might have on this switch over. My first thoughts
would be that it shouldn't be that difficult, as both are based on the same
sources, but things never seem to be as easy as I think they should. Most of
my servers are service related (mailservers, web servers, etc), so this will
need to be something I think about if there are great differences of which I
am not aware. Unfortunately, I do not have spares to start from, so any
suggestions should be based on upgrade/migrate versus installation.
I couldn't find any "searchable" archives, and most of what I see is 4.3
related anyway, so I am sorry for not doing a lot of homework yet. But I
will do my homework. Mr. Parsley has indicated that this is not urgent. I
have nothing but respect for his efforts.
Thanks for any time and suggestions you may have.
Steve Campbell
Charleston Newspapers