I just applied the BIND updates.
Then I fixed the one file that had a second include of named.ca
(remembered that from last time) and did a 'service named restart', and
it failed. In messages I found:
Jan 10 21:31:17 z9m9z named[31001]: loading configuration from
Jan 10 21:31:17 z9m9z named[31001]: /etc/named.conf:11: open:
/etc/named.acl: permission denied
Jan 10 21:31:17 z9m9z named[31001]: loading configuration: permission denied
Jan 10 21:31:17 z9m9z named[31001]: exiting (due to fatal error)
Oh, I remember this from the last update... So off to
/var/named/chroot/etc and do a 'chown named:named *' then named started.
This apparent changing of file ownership in installing a new set of bind
updates so that named cannot access the files seems like something is
broken somewhere.