Hi all,
I get troubles with samba3x server:
Some times, users call and ask of any folder in any share sleep.
Locked not _all_ share, only one of it's folder.
In logs i don't see any errors(for time of user call, may be errors in
log was some times before). I use samba3x-vfs-scannedonly-3.3.8-0.20
to anti-virus defence, but for one of share VFS object of
vfs-scannedonly disabled. Today, folder of this share is lock :(
Also, this samba-server locate in OpenVZ container, but don't any UBC fails.
I get troble on [share] and [production] share. Today i get troble on
[production] share, in one of subdirs:
ls -la /var/share/share/No.\ заказов/
total 24
drwxrwsrwx 2 nobody all 4096 Dec 2 10:19 .
drwxrwsr-t 11 nobody all 4096 Dec 2 10:51 ..
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody all 165 Dec 1 12:38 ~$номера заказов.xlsx
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody all 12121 Dec 2 10:19 номера заказов.xlsx
Not any not-standart files in this folder.
server string = samba08u
netbios name = samba08u
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
kernel oplocks = yes
load printers = no
show add printer wizard = no
printing = none
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spoolss = yes
browsable = yes
map to guest = Bad User
log level = 0 vfs:2
syslog = 0
comment = Личные файлы %U
path = /var/share/davidenko
read only = No
valid users = davidenko, @top
create mask = 666
directory mask = 777
vfs objects = scannedonly full_audit
scannedonly: domain_socket = False
scannedonly: portnum = 2020
scannedonly: scanhost = localhost
scannedonly: hide_nonscanned_files = False
scannedonly: allow_nonscanned_files = True
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I
full_audit:failure = none
full_audit:success = connect disconnect opendir mkdir rmdir
closedir open close read pread write pwrite sendfile rename unlink
chmod fchmod chown fchown chdir ftruncate lock symlink readlink link
mknod realpath
full_audit:facility = local5
full_audit:priority = notice
comment = prod
path = /var/share/production
read only = No
guest ok = no
valid users = @prod, @top
create mask = 666
directory mask = 777
force user = nobody
vfs objects = scannedonly full_audit
scannedonly: domain_socket = False
scannedonly: portnum = 2020
scannedonly: scanhost = localhost
scannedonly: hide_nonscanned_files = False
scannedonly: allow_nonscanned_files = True
veto files = /*.bat/*autorun.inf/
delete veto files = yes
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I
full_audit:failure = none
full_audit:success = connect disconnect opendir mkdir
rmdir closedir open close read pread write pwrite sendfile rename
unlink chmod fchmod chown fchown chdir ftruncate lock symlink readlink
link mknod realpath
full_audit:facility = local5
full_audit:priority = notice
comment = all
path = /var/share/share
read only = No
guest ok = yes
create mask = 666
directory mask = 777
force user = nobody
vfs objects = scannedonly full_audit
scannedonly: domain_socket = False
scannedonly: portnum = 2020
scannedonly: scanhost = localhost
scannedonly: hide_nonscanned_files = False
scannedonly: allow_nonscanned_files = True
veto files = /*.bat/*autorun.inf/
delete veto files = yes
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I
full_audit:failure = none
full_audit:success = connect disconnect opendir mkdir
rmdir closedir open close read pread write pwrite sendfile rename
unlink chmod fchmod chown fchown chdir ftruncate lock symlink readlink
link mknod realpath
full_audit:facility = local5
full_audit:priority = notice
Galina Lisovskaya