To the Linux Community at Large:
I reported to this list back in January, 2010 that the standard x86_64
kernel, when built from the src.rpm and modified for AMD K8 / K10
Extensions would not build. I reported this here and to Red Hat via
Bugzilla ID number 558367. RH AS / Centos 5.3 worked fine. That was
Centos 5.4 / Red Hat Enterprise AS 5 Update 4. Today we tried to
optimize Red Hat Enterprise AS 5 Update 5. Same problem. At last check
all kernels from 2.6.18-10 to 2.6.18-194 won't build with AMD specific
For 9 years now we have used and supported Centos and before that white
box. We have sold, installed and provided consulting on Red Hat Linux
and RH Enterprise Linux, Centos, Scientific Linux, OpenSUSE and SUSE
Linux Enterprise.
In April this year, the bug was still marked as new and we had to
recommend to a customer to use SUSE Linux Enterprise instead of Red Hat
Enterprise, as Novell's product supports optimizations in its kernel for
AMD Opterons. 12 SLES Enterprise copies were sold to the customer. I'm
sure that would have easily paid for the fix required in Redhat's kernel.
I am beginning to wonder if Red Hat is getting too big? Or that it just
does not care. Other ideas less pleasant come to mind.... Today, the
old bug was still marked as new (6+ months and counting). I entered a
new bug report for RH 5.5 for the same issue. Is there no way, unless
you are a huge customer, to get your bug listed as anything except LOW
Now we are looking at the AMD G34 CPU's and are building some demo
units. I think its time to benchmark these systems with the working -
non optimized Red Hat / Centos Linux versus the optimized Opensuse /
SLES Linux for standard server functions and publish them.
Has anyone else had this NON response from Red Hat for similar issues?
I'd like to hear from them.
Thanks for reading....
Seth Bardash
Integrated Solutions and Systems LLC
719-495-5866 Shop Phone
719-337-4779 Cell
Failure cannot survive knowledge and perseverance!