Dear All,
we have some Nubuilder databases on a Centos6.3 server:
[root@caw-server2 db]# ls /var/www/html/nubuilder/db
reg_begeleidingsteam reg_jww_archief reg_personeel reg_straathoekwerk
reg_bib reg_jww_dossiers reg_resident reg_vrijwilligers
reg_drughulp reg_jww_dvd reg_signaleren
reg_jac_activiteit reg_onthaal reg_sollicitatie
in each database I have placed a executable file cron.php
include "./config.php"; //nuBuilder config file
$conn = mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUser, $DBPassword);
emptying zzsys_trap and zzsys_variable tables
$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE zzsys_trap";
$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE zzsys_variable";
Deleting temp tables
$result=mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM $DBName ") or die(mysql_error());
if(substr($row[0], 0, 3) === '___' && strrev(substr($row[0], 0,
3) === '___'))
$sql = "DROP TABLE $row[0]";
for each file I can easily execute the file cron.php :
[root@caw-server2 reg_bib]# php cron.php
with the desired effect.
*However *when I try to execute the cron.php files from a script :
for i in `ls /var/www/html/nubuilder/db`
php /var/www/html/nubuilder/db/$i/cron.php
exit 0
or just try to execute the script from an absolute path:
[root@caw-server2 jvermeulen]# php
PHP Warning: include(./config.php): failed to open stream: No such file
or directory in /var/www/html/nubuilder/db/reg_bib/cron.php on line 3
PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening './config.php' for inclusion
(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in
/var/www/html/nubuilder/db/reg_bib/cron.php on line 3
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DBHost in
/var/www/html/nubuilder/db/reg_bib/cron.php on line 4
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DBUser in
/var/www/html/nubuilder/db/reg_bib/cron.php on line 4
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: DBPassword in
/var/www/html/nubuilder/db/reg_bib/cron.php on line 4
I get a shipload of EM.
I don't understand why this works but not from an absolute path.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
greetings, J.
Johan Vermeulen
Caw De Kempen
Opensource Software is the future.