Hello Nicolas,
On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 19:51:07 +0200 Nicolas Kovacs info@microlinux.fr wrote:
Le 27/07/2017 à 19:25, wwp a écrit :
I've just got a Dell XPS 15 (9590) at work and need to set up a stable GNU/Linux system on it. I thought of CentOS7, but.. obviously its kernel can't run on this hardware.
What would you recommend? Waiting for CentOS8 is not an option unless it's a question of few weeks. Are there respins of the CentOS7 DVDs w/ more top-recent kernels? I'm know of Fedora 26 or course, and not willing to switch to Ubuntu 16.10 at all.
Usually, I install CentOS 7 with KDE on all desktop computers, mine and those of my clients. This is my "standard" desktop installation.
On more recent hardware, I usually try to run a kernel from ELRepo, either kernel-lt or kernel-ml. One the repo is configured:
# yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-{lt,ml}
I would like to do that, but the live CD doesn't even boot, unknown hardware and that's the point. I thought I could find a respin of the DVD or Live CD w/ a recent kernel in.