On Thu, Jul 08, 2021 at 08:39:19AM -0500, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
Well, I fled servers from CentOS to FreeBSD almost a decade ago. And actually not From CentOS per se, but from Linux. One of the reasons was: every 45 days on average: glibc or kernel update —> reboot. One of my friends started using word “Lindoze”. Linux is perfect for number crunchers and workstations. FreeBSD is waaay better for servers. In my book that is.
Just straightening small nuance.
If you aren't rebooting your FreeBSD systems regularly, you're just as vulnerable.
I see one less than 45 days ago that requires a reboot because of a kernel security measure bypass.
Long uptimes are a thing of the past. Build redundancy into your infrastructure so you can handle reboots.