On 02/25/2012 02:52 PM, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Maybe this came out wrong. What I meant is: I was told RHEL doesn't do major application upgrades in one version, so we would end op with Firefox 3.6.x in CentOs 6.x in a few years from now. Apparently this is not true. So now I,m wondering if a move to LO within CentOs 6 is imaginable.
CentOS releases what Red Hat releases as sources.
Red Hat released an update from Firefox 3.6 to Firefox 10 ... and CentOS built and released the same update.
You can use Libre Office directly from libreoffice.org ... I do.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Grt. J. verzonden m.b.v Android vandaar de beknoptheid.
Johan Vermeulen jvermeulen@cawdekempen.beschreef:
If Rhel/CentOs goes from Firefox3.6 to Firefox 10, could they go from OpenOffice to LibreOffice as wel?
Greetings, James
verzonden m.b.v Android vandaar de beknoptheid.