At 2012-01-04 Wed 09:53 -0600,Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 01/04/2012 04:29 AM, Christopher J. Buckley wrote:
2012/1/4 An Yang
Somebody in Oracle told me, they need one year to test, I'm not sure, it's true or not.
That's about right. The testing isn't done by Oracle btw, it's done by the end vendor.
The "end vendor" submitted the information to Oracle months ago:
Greate! "end vendor" people said, Consequently, we confidently recommend the deployment of Oracle 11gR2 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 production environments today.
Oracle does not want to support ASMLib on any kernel other than OEL (or UBL if you prefer):
The bottom line is that Oracle IS going to try to drive people to their version of Linux and off RHEL.
But I know, I am just be paranoid or some other such thing. Right Christopher?
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