Hi, everyone, I have one conflict problem when I try to install Centos YUM on RHEL 4_X 86_64.
Uname -a shows:
Linux PT3 2.6.9- #1 SMP Sun Oct 15 15:13:57 PDT 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Yum -version shows:
Repository update is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository contrib is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository addons is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
And upon running yum -y update, it only can updates some of the packages, for other packages it shows conflict with /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/.
The error messages are:
Transaction Check Error: file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/ElementInclude.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with
file from package python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/ElementInclude.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/ElementPath.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/ElementPath.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/ElementTree.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/ElementTree.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/HTMLTreeBuilder.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/HTMLTreeBuilder.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/SgmlopXMLTreeBuilder.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/SgmlopXMLTreeBuilder.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/SimpleXMLTreeBuilder.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/SimpleXMLTreeBuilder.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/SimpleXMLWriter.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/SimpleXMLWriter.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/TidyHTMLTreeBuilder.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/TidyHTMLTreeBuilder.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/TidyTools.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/TidyTools.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/XMLTreeBuilder.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from
package python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/XMLTreeBuilder.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/__init__.pyc from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/elementtree/__init__.pyo from install of python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1 conflicts with file from package
What I have done is just to install the Yum for the RHEL 4_X 86_64. with the following commends:
mkdir /usr/local/src/yum cd /usr/local/src/yum
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/python-elementtree-1.2.6- 4.2.1.i386.rpm
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/python-urlgrabber-2.9.8-2 .noarch.rpm
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/python-sqlite-1.1.7-1.2.i 386.rpm
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/yum-2.4.3-1.c4.noarch.rpm
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/sqlite-3.3.3-1.2.i386.rpm
wget http://centos.mirror.vpslink.com/centos-4/4.4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/libxml2-py thon-2.6.16-6.i386.rpm
wget http://centos.mirror.vpslink.com/centos-4/4.4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/rpm-python -4.3.3-18_nonptl.i386.rpm
wget http://mirror.freepbx.org/centos-yumconf-4-4.5.noarch.rpm http://mirror.freepbx.org/centos-yumconf-4-4.5.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh --nodeps --force *rpm
Any one knows any thing wrong with it? I am new to linux and thanks in advance for any help.
Best Regards
Johnny Xing Haipeng
Mobile: 65-97418592
Banshing Industrial Co, (Pte) Ltd.
13 Serangoon North Ave 5, 554787
Uname –a shows:
Linux PT3 2.6.9- #1 SMP Sun Oct 15 15:13:57 PDT 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
This isn't a RHEL kernel. This is the Oracle Unbreakable Linux kernel. Congrats, you broke it.
Yum –version shows:
Repository update is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository contrib is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository addons is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
It would appear that you've got multiple repository declarations, which is what's causing this error. This could be from some combination of the oracle linux junk or something else. We really don't have all the info yet.
<snip yum conflict errors>
These errors are caused by what you have done below.
What I have done is just to install the Yum for the RHEL 4_X 86_64. with the following commends:
mkdir /usr/local/src/yum cd /usr/local/src/yum wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/python-elementtree-1.2.6-...
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/python-urlgrabber-2.9.8-2...
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/python-sqlite-1.1.7-1.2.i...
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/yum-2.4.3-1.c4.noarch.rpm
wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/sqlite-3.3.3-1.2.i386.rpm
wget http://centos.mirror.vpslink.com/centos-4/4.4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/libxml2-py...
wget http://centos.mirror.vpslink.com/centos-4/4.4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/rpm-python...
wget http://mirror.freepbx.org/centos-yumconf-4-4.5.noarch.rpm
Okay, you're running x86_64, but you got the i386 packages? Why are you mixing architectures? Why did you not get the x86_64 packages?
rpm -ivh –-nodeps --force *rpm
This is an amazingly bad way to install packages. Using --nodeps and --force will quickly cause system breakage, as you've discovered. The errors that installing the rpms you got would have kept you from breaking your system in such a fashion.
Any one knows any thing wrong with it? I am new to linux and thanks in advance for any help.
You should have followed the instructions on the CentOS wiki here -> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/PackageManagement/YumOnRHEL
With what you've done, I'm not sure if removing the packages will help, as pulling them out may cause breakage for the same packages of the x86_64 arch that are supposed to be there.
On 12/1/2006 4:30 AM, Jim Perrin wrote:
Uname –a shows:
Linux PT3 2.6.9- #1 SMP Sun Oct 15 15:13:57 PDT 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
This isn't a RHEL kernel. This is the Oracle Unbreakable Linux kernel. Congrats, you broke it.
Jim, THANKS, you made my day, I never broke up laughing like this, just one minute ago (it took me one minute to calm down). :-D
With what you've done, I'm not sure if removing the packages will help, as pulling them out may cause breakage for the same packages of the x86_64 arch that are supposed to be there.
Agreed, it's a bad idea to force things between different architectures. Not fixable to my eyes. I've already seen effects like this ... this happens when you do an i386 install on an x86_64 system. Johnny, reinstall if you did so. There's no other way. cu - Michael