Hi Roberto,
I have a clean CentOS 4.4 disk and I have setup a RAID 1 with two IDE disk.
The system RAID 1 boot fine but when I disconnect a disk (the first disk) the system not boot. The screen goes black and not boot anything (grub not boot).
Can anybody help me ? What I doing wrong ?? Excuse my english ....
May be you have to manual install grub loader on the second disk (hdc) : have a look here : http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-natively.h... and use hd1 instead of hd0. And if you config your BIOS to boot on any IDE drive found, i think it'll be ok See you ! ______________________________________________ Emmanuel Fournier - ICT mailto:fournier@ict-toulouse.asso.fr