Anyone using ex 90? I have it running, no problem. Only mouse was little tricky, namely in X. But jut a little change in xorg.conf and everything works fine (CO 5.1 desktop install with vanilla kernel). Now would like to get keyboards extra buttons in use. Question is, anyone configured it allready, or do I have to invent wheel? again :D
On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 4:53 AM, jarmo wrote:
Anyone using ex 90? I have it running, no problem. Only mouse was little tricky, namely in X. But jut a little change in xorg.conf and everything works fine (CO 5.1 desktop install with vanilla kernel). Now would like to get keyboards extra buttons in use. Question is, anyone configured it allready, or do I have to invent wheel? again :D
I'm not familiar with the ex 90 - I use the ex 110 myself.
To configure some of the keys, I just went into the System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts and used as many of them as would fit. The rest (like web browser and email) I configured for other key combinations I like better, and things like "Back" (i.e., the browser "back" button) and others didn't map into the GDM shortcuts, so I don't use them at all. There probably is a way to get them into play, but I haven't looked into it (TBPH, DKDC).
mhr Mr. TLA/FLA today