i want to implement disk quota on my /home filesystem (it is going to be a mail server) so i read tha appropriate how to's edited limits for the users and everything is fine
but then for quota meintenance i stuck into quotacheck
the man page says
quotacheck should be run each time the system boots and mounts non- valid filesystems. This is most likely to happen after a system crash.
It is also unwise to run quotacheck on a live filesystem as actual usage may change during the scan. To prevent this, quotacheck tries to remount the filesystem read-only before starting the scan. After the scan is done it remounts the filesystem read-write.
but the 7.2.3 paragraph (Managing disk quotas) of centos 5 deployment guide
...... However, quotacheck can be run on a regular basis, even if the system has not crashed. Running the following command periodically keeps the quotas more accurate .......
i have looked also on the web
and some suggest to run quotacheck only at boot time
and others to run quotacheck regularly but i ahve not found a clear answer
i wonder what are the comments of centos community on hte subject
On Friday 15 January 2010 07:06:58 Aggelis Aggelis wrote:
wonder what are the comments of centos community on hte subject
You just need to run quotacheck the first time you're going to use a filesystem for quotas (so that it can create its database on the filesystem). For example, if you're going to create quotas for users in /home:
quotacheck -cu /home
If it's for groups then:
quotacheck -cg /home
Regarding boot time, the quotacheck command is run by /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit (which runs everytime the system starts) so no need to worry.
HTH, Jorge