I am attempting to build php with oracle oci8 support. I've installed the oracle installclient basic and devel rpms. When kicking off the srpm buid I am using the following...
rpmbuild --with oci8 --rebuild php-4.3.9-3.8.src.rpm
While on an FC 4 box this works and I end up with a php-oci8 pkg that is fully functional. However on CentOS 4.1 the build isn't actually building with oci8 and fails with ....
File not found: /var/tmp/php-root/usr/lib/php4/oci8.so
I've played around with the spec file and it looks like this could be the culprit. Has anyone got this to work besides building from source?
Thomas Jackson wrote:
I am attempting to build php with oracle oci8 support.
You should have a look here: http://freshrpms.net/docs/oracle/
Thanks for the response. That project is using a pretty old oracle instant client so I passed on it.
I did get it working with only a few changes to the original source rpm and a patch from oracle. The problem is covered at... http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31084
and the patch from oracle is available at.... http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/files/php_oci8ic_buildpatch.txt
Below is a diff of the spec file for php-4.3.9-3.8.src.rpm...
# Oracle fixes Patch79: php-4.3.9-oci8.patch
%if %{with_oci8} %patch79 -p1 -b .oci8 %endif
I don't know what the CentOS teams policy is on improving the packages that get from upstream but this simple fix could solve a few problems.
On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 17:21 -0700, Greg Swallow - SkyNet wrote:
Thomas Jackson wrote:
I am attempting to build php with oracle oci8 support.
You should have a look here: http://freshrpms.net/docs/oracle/
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