Fixing it isn't my job, that's why!
I got other strange fish to fry (like the frigging compiler), if SELinux *couldn't* be disabled, that would inspire an immediate decision to drop the distro. cold.
Fix it if it pleases you to do so, *please* understand I'm plenty busy with the things I'm paid to do, and have *my* *own* hobbies & distractions for the free time. When SELinux is ready for The Big Time (meaning it doesn't break other apps), ship it my way!
Brian Brunner (610)796-5838 11/14/05 10:14PM >>>
although I fail to see how anyone expects it to ever get fixed if no one will even try to use it.
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On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 05:21 -0800, Brian T. Brunner wrote:
Fixing it isn't my job, that's why!
I got other strange fish to fry (like the frigging compiler), if SELinux *couldn't* be disabled, that would inspire an immediate decision to drop the distro. cold.
Fix it if it pleases you to do so, *please* understand I'm plenty busy with the things I'm paid to do, and have *my* *own* hobbies & distractions for the free time. When SELinux is ready for The Big Time (meaning it doesn't break other apps), ship it my way!
---- The first 3 times you said essentially the same thing so you must think that we're all so stupid you had to say it again.
Please give the list some credit for the ability to understand you the first time and if that isn't possible, find an arena where people can understand you.
Hmmm, 6 feet down, 6 feet long, 3 feet wide.... how about we BURY this thread now?
-- Jim Perrin System Architect - UIT Ft Gordon & US Army Signal Center
[ Sorry, I can't bite my lip anymore. ]
Craig White wrote:
The first 3 times you said essentially the same thing so you must think that we're all so stupid you had to say it again.
Apparently I'm stupid too, because "firewalls just work" and aren't a good comparison in his eyes.
Putting SELinux in "permissive" mode is like the default "allow all outgoing" in your firewall, which is the default of SOHO firewalls, which allows most everything to work.
Red Hat Enteprise Linux is an _enterprise_ distro that is focused for at least the small-to-medium business (SMB), if not the federal agency or larger enterprise.
So like a typical SMB or enterprise firewall which is configured with *DENY* all outgoing, RHEL is going to come with SELinux enabled. If you don't want that, then change the default to "permissive", just like you would if you had a SMB or enterprise firewall to allow everything out by default.
Otherwise, consider a SOHO distro, just like you purchase a SOHO router. It's not about "broken," it's about who the is designed for. ;->