The CentOS 3.1 update2 packages have now been released.
They are available on and should be on all mirrors within a few hours.
To update just run 'yum update'
Please bugzilla any problems.
There was a problem with the pam build in testing not being linked against the laus library, so the released version is a .c0 so that anyone who has installed the testing version will get the real one on updating.
The only package that is missing from these updates is rhgb - that needs some artwork and testing and will be done in the next couple of days.
The new anaconda and firstboot will be built into a new set of isos - release 3.2 , within the next week or so.
-- - The ISP of choice for the discerning Linux user.
On Fri, 21 May 2004 wrote:
The CentOS 3.1 update2 packages have now been released.
The only other caveat is that you may find that the CentOS-3 GPG key needs reimporting after the update .....
rpm --import /usr/share/doc/centos-release-3.1/RPM-GPG-KEY
Hi lance,
Thursday, May 20, 2004, 4:04:26 PM, you wrote:
lun> The new anaconda and firstboot will be built into a new set of isos - lun> release 3.2 , within the next week or so.
Thanks with great appreciation for all the hard work you are doing.