So after quite a few people want to attend here the official data. There will be a CentOS Beer event in a bar called Aufsturz [1] in Berlin Mitte on the 22nd of Nov. I will reserve a table for us. They do nice food too, I remebember :) I will be bringing CentOS promo stuff like sticker, flyer and T-Shirts. It would help if you could email me your size if you want one. So :
CentOS Beer event Berlin Date : Sunday, Nov 22, 2009 Time : 18.00 + Location : Oranienburger Str. 67 D-10117 Berlin-Mitte [2]
Please invite people you know and bring friends. The "C" in CentOS is for community and there is no better way to discuss geek related stuff as over a nice pint of German brew.
Liebe Gruesse Didi
P.S. You can find my contact details under [3]
[2] http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&...
[3] http://www.ribalba.de/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Site.ContactMe ----
My www page: www.ribalba.de Email / Jabber: ribalba@gmail.com Skype : ribalba