Hey List,
I am setting up an rsync daemon (not something I normally do, I normally use rsync over ssh but I'm trying to set up an rsync server and have clients sync their local directories with what is on the server) and I am wondering about the directory entries within the rsyncd.conf.
You can add entries in the rsyncd.conf file for directories such as;
[Example] comment = "My example directory" path /to/example/dir
When using rsync on the client side, how do I specify to only sync the directories in my rsync daemon config file. As I said, I normally use rsync over ssh and just rsync <options> /local/dir user@host:/remote/dir how can I say "rsync <options> user@host /local/folderlist" and have it sync all the folders configured in the server's rsync.conf to a folder on a client called /local/folderlist?
I have found the answer, user@host::directory
Note the double colons!