There were no replies to this question. After digging in a bit, I found a way to make it work. I made two changes, and it is not clear whether one or the other - or both - were needed.
Change one - Upgrade to VirtualBox 7.0.6. Among the items listed in the changelog for this version is compatibility with RHEL 9 guests.
Change two - In the Settings - Basic screen of the guest I changed its type from "RedHat 64-bit" to "RHEL 9.x 64-bit."
The ISO for network install booted and ran through with no errors.
Hopefully others can benefit from my experience.
=============== Bill Gee
On 1/15/23 14:29, Bill Gee wrote:
It is time for me to start figuring out how to get all my C7 machines upgraded. It is obvious that C7 is pretty much an afterthought anymore ...
My starting point is to set up a C9 machine as a VirtualBox guest. I have a VBox machine (currently 6.0.40) which runs C8 Stream on the metal and has been running well for over a year. It has many different guests on it including Fedora 37, CentOS7, FreeDOS, Windows and others.
I downloaded the network installer ISO file for C9, then set up a VB guest to run it. It boots the ISO for about 5 seconds then gives a kernel panic. I am attaching a screen shot and hope it survives the transit through this email list. It is not possible to scrape this as text and I do not trust myself to type it all correctly.
Did I miss something bloody obvious in the guest configuration?