The latest version of rkhunter is complaining about "suspicious file types" in /dev/shm. Thing is, they're being created on the fly by R, and then seem to be a random name (5d1f...), and I have zero expectation that R will only create shm files beginning with those characters.
For those running rkhunter, if you've run into something like this, how have you handled it - told rkhunter to ignore /dev/shm, or lived with the regular complaints in the logs, or...?
I note that of the three files created by R, one ends in _counter, and another starts with sem.(same long random name as the other files)_counter_mutex. The third has neither prefix nor postfix.
mark "and googling on rkhunter "R language" keeps getting me repos, since both R and rkhunter are under the letter r....
mark "brought to you by Arrrghh...."