On Mon, 2006-11-20 at 02:47 -0500, Michael Velez wrote:
On 11/19/2006 8:39 PM, Michael Velez wrote:
I have a file owned by apache:apache with permissions of 640.
I have added myself to the apache group using usermod -G
(and I can
verify that using the groups command) but I still can't read the abovementioned file.
Am I not getting something?
Hi Michael,
have you already tried the 'newgrp' command? cu - Michael
When I use the newgrp command, I do change to the apache group and it works.
Do you mean 'su - Michael'?
su - michael is actually interesting. Before the su -, the output of the id command shows that I'm only in group michael. After the su -, it shows I'm in both groups michael and apache.
Why is it that I'm in both groups after su -, and not while in a normal xterm logging shell. Also, I have the same problem of not being able to access the file through the gnome desktop using File Browser (even though I'm in group apache).
So, at a login shell doing su - works, both other options (xterm login shell or desktop) do not.
Thinking through the weird behavior from my previous e-mail, I logged out of X and when I logged back in, the id command showed the right output and I was able to access the file.
FYI: I tried this through vnc, as well. I needed to reboot the vnc server to get it work.
Right ... when you make group changes you would need to log out and back in to see them.
Same for vnc ... the vnc server is logged in as a user, that service would need to re-login (restarting the service vncserver should do that) to see changes added for that user.
Right ... when you make group changes you would need to log out and back in to see them.
Same for vnc ... the vnc server is logged in as a user, that service would need to re-login (restarting the service vncserver should do that) to see changes added for that user.
Thank you, everybody, for the help in diagnosing this.