(Moved over from "Re: [CentOS] Why is yum not liked by some?")
As a matter of interest, what baseurl are you using for freshrpms?
It took me a while, but I found this in my yum.conf file: [freshrpms] name=Fedora Core 1 - Freshrpms baseurl=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/$basearch/freshrpms/ mirrorlist=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/mirrors-freshrpms gpgcheck=1
I went ahead and removed it because it seems like people on this list are telling me that freshrpms doesn't have files that I should be using. But since I might have installed some programs from freshrpms, is there something I can do to clean up my system or verify that all the rpms are ones that I should be using with CentOS?
On 9/9/05, Dave Gutteridge dave@tokyocomedy.com wrote:
But since I might have installed some programs from freshrpms, is there something I can do to clean up my system or verify that all the rpms are ones that I should be using with CentOS?
yum list installed
I believe that would do what you want but don't have a system to test it on right now. Otherwise, man rpm and look at the query formatting options and that should do it.
yum list installed
Thank you for suggesting something. I ran this command, and it gave me a big list of stuff that's installed. However, I can't tell from looking at this list whether or not these RPMs are stable RPMs designed for CentOS or not. Is there something in the listing that signifies this?
My system seems to be largely working, so I'm not sure if I should really worry about this. But I want to ensure future stability as much as possible, so if someone could confirm whether or not this should be an issue I should worry about...?
On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 12:26 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
yum list installed
Thank you for suggesting something. I ran this command, and it gave me a big list of stuff that's installed. However, I can't tell from looking at this list whether or not these RPMs are stable RPMs designed for CentOS or not. Is there something in the listing that signifies this?
My system seems to be largely working, so I'm not sure if I should really worry about this. But I want to ensure future stability as much as possible, so if someone could confirm whether or not this should be an issue I should worry about...?
Dave _______________________________________________
There is a command that will tell you all the extra (things not in your current listed yum repos).
So ... with the freshrpms IN your yum configuration ... do the command:
yum list extras > with_freshrpms
THEN REMOVE the freshrpms repo ... that can be done by putting a # in front of the all the lines that configure it ... then do this:
yum list extras > without_freshrpms
This difference between those two lists IS the items you have installed that are from freshrpms
You can get a difference with a command like this:
diff --side-by-side with_freshrpms without_freshrpms > diff_freshrpms
and look at the file diff_freshrpms .... items with a "|", "<", or ">" are different (so are installed by freshrpms).
You can then use the command:
rpm -e package1 package2 package_to_the_end
(substitute the real package names for package1, package2, etc... list all packages on one line because of dependencies)
before you delete packages, you can make sure that they are really in the freshrpms repo by looking at:
(that is assuming your arch is i386 ... if it is something else, substitute the correct arch for i386 in that link)
diff --side-by-side with_freshrpms without_freshrpms > diff_freshrpms and look at the file diff_freshrpms .... items with a "|", "<", or ">" are different (so are installed by freshrpms).
I think I may have dodged a bullet here. Doing exactly as you say, when I got to this stage, there were no entries in the diff_freshrpms file that had a "|", "<", or ">". I checked both with a visual inspection and by running searches for all three characters in my text editor. I'm assuming that means I'm safe and I don't have to worry about my system having undesirable RPMs from the freshrpms repository.
Thanks to everyone for giving clear and helpful instructions.
On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 11:51 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
(Moved over from "Re: [CentOS] Why is yum not liked by some?")
As a matter of interest, what baseurl are you using for freshrpms?
It took me a while, but I found this in my yum.conf file: [freshrpms] name=Fedora Core 1 - Freshrpms baseurl=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/$basearch/freshrpms/ mirrorlist=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/mirrors-freshrpms gpgcheck=1
I went ahead and removed it because it seems like people on this list are telling me that freshrpms doesn't have files that I should be using. But since I might have installed some programs from freshrpms, is there something I can do to clean up my system or verify that all the rpms are ones that I should be using with CentOS?
As this is a FC1 repository, I'd be VERY suspicious of anything installed from it. [Some have reported using FC3 packages on CentOS4 successfully, but I like to use only those built for CentOS4/EL4, or rebuild from sources, preferably .src.rpm.] Unfortunately, there seem to be packages above that do not have the ".fr." repo tag. Can get a list as follows from the command line (If you don't have it, "yum install lftp" as root.):
$ lftp http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms/RPMS lftp ayo.freshrpms.net:/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms/RPMS> ls >FreshRPMS.txt lftp ayo.freshrpms.net:/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms/RPMS> exit $ grep -v ".fr." FreshRPMS.txt
The above will give a (fairly short) list of all packages that do NOT have the .fr. repo tag. Need to manually search/destroy those in the installed list generated below.
To get a list of all packages installed:
$ rpm -qa | sort >RPMS_Installed.txt
To find those with repo tags from FreshRPMS:
$ grep ".fr." RPMS_Installed.txt
To remove them, as root:
# yum remove $(grep ".fr." RPMS_Installed.txt)
Be careful with the above as yum MAY want to remove some packages you DON'T want removed. May have to go to individual "rpm -e --nodeps <package>" and "yum install <package>" without FCx repositories enabled to fix things if you get into dependency hell, but this is major surgery with risks.
Good luck getting re-stabilized.