There is a critical update for samba for centos-5.8 ... we are working on CentOS-5.8 right now and I fully expect it to be released in a week or less. For those of you who can not wait for a week, here is the samba critical update:
These may or may not work without the rest of 5.8 ... for those who do try them, please provide feedback here in this thread.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Hi Johnny,
Le 24/02/2012 01:34, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
There is a critical update for samba for centos-5.8 ... we are working on CentOS-5.8 right now and I fully expect it to be released in a week or less. For those of you who can not wait for a week, here is the samba critical update:
These may or may not work without the rest of 5.8 ... for those who do try them, please provide feedback here in this thread.
I took a look at this announce, see :
And it seems to be related only to samba 3.0.33, not samba3x (3.5.6). Am I correct ? I switched all my samba installations on 5.7 to samba3x, so it seems I should not be concerned...
On 02/24/2012 05:25 AM, Alain Péan wrote:
Hi Johnny,
Le 24/02/2012 01:34, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
There is a critical update for samba for centos-5.8 ... we are working on CentOS-5.8 right now and I fully expect it to be released in a week or less. For those of you who can not wait for a week, here is the samba critical update:
These may or may not work without the rest of 5.8 ... for those who do try them, please provide feedback here in this thread.
I took a look at this announce, see :
And it seems to be related only to samba 3.0.33, not samba3x (3.5.6). Am I correct ? I switched all my samba installations on 5.7 to samba3x, so it seems I should not be concerned...
Yes, it is only the 3.0.x.
Hello, what about Centos 5.8 release? I need kernel release from it. Can I download it from CR ?
2012/2/24 Johnny Hughes
There is a critical update for samba for centos-5.8 ... we are working on CentOS-5.8 right now and I fully expect it to be released in a week or less. For those of you who can not wait for a week, here is the samba critical update:
These may or may not work without the rest of 5.8 ... for those who do try them, please provide feedback here in this thread.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
CentOS mailing list
There is no 2.6.18-308 kernel there (
2012/3/5 John R Pierce
On 03/05/12 12:57 AM, Maxim Shpakov wrote:
Hello, what about Centos 5.8 release? I need kernel release from it. Can I download it from CR ?
yum update kernel
-- john r pierce N 37, W 122 santa cruz ca mid-left coast
CentOS mailing list
On 03/05/2012 03:25 AM, Maxim Shpakov wrote:
There is no 2.6.18-308 kernel there (
2012/3/5 John R Pierce
On 03/05/12 12:57 AM, Maxim Shpakov wrote:
Hello, what about Centos 5.8 release? I need kernel release from it. Can I download it from CR ?
yum update kernel
I am populating the CentOS mirrors with the 5.8 release at this time.
We are very close to releasing 5.8, just doing some extended testing, which I fully expect it to pass based on the fixes rolled in.
I expect that CentOS-5.8 will be released to the external mirrors in less than 24 hours and released to the 24-48 hours after that.
We did not release the RPMs to CR because we do not expect any delays, and are indeed releasing within 2 weeks of the upstream release. (If we were not going to be able to get the release done in 2 weeks due to complications, then we would instead release the CR repo with the items that were working.)
So, look for 5.8 to be released in the next 24-72 hours.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes