Dear All,
It seems like kickstart is what you are looking for.? Is this what you were trying to do?
Yes, kickstart is what I’m looking for. Let me detail my provisioning process:
* Provision a VM with standard CentOS 7 NetInstall ISO & my post script. The file system is created on top of LVM * Export entire VM as custom ISO image to be loaded into physical hardware * Kickstart physical hardware using above exported custom image & different grub/isolinux configuration
Although I could just use the same CentOS 7 NetInstall ISO & run all my post script to the physical HW, it may take a few hours, since post script is long, and I wonder if above process will speed up, since the VM has everything needed.
If that process isn’t feasible, then I’ll just do the same thing for physical hardware.
- Xinhuan
- Provision a VM with standard CentOS 7 NetInstall ISO & my post
script. The file system is created on top of LVM
- Export entire VM as custom ISO image to be loaded into physical
- Kickstart physical hardware using above exported custom image &
different grub/isolinux configuration
You can also include your post scripts in kickstart and build a custom ISO, I haven't tried exporting a VM to an ISO but I have been adding kickstart to my custom ISOs and it does everything that I need.