On 11/07/15 18:10, John Hodrien wrote:
Why not just use autofs and have it mounted on demand?
You probably didn't read my post properly.
Part of what I'm saying is that autofs is set up out-of-the box to mount the filesystem. However, to access the area, I have to type in the full path all the time, which is rather tedios. I'd like to bookmark the location, but the problem is that Nautilus apparently keeps accessing all bookmarked folders to check status or something, which in practice means autofs will try to keep the filesystem mounted at all times - which I don't want.
- Toralf
Looks like Nautilus is periodically 'stat'-ing the bookmark location.
How about making a softlink to the target dir in your home directory, then bookmarking the link in nautilus. Hopefully Nautilus will stat the link and not the target then.
On 13/07/15 00:58, Kahlil Hodgson wrote:
Looks like Nautilus is periodically 'stat'-ing the bookmark location.
I'm wondering if this should be reported as a bug. I really think it ought to leave the bookmarks alone until you actually try to access them.
I've been away for some days, so I haven't been able to test this until now...
Anyhow, I like the idea, but it looks like it doesn't actually work. I guess Nautlius will also "follow" links when it does whatever it is it wants to do with the bookmarks, so that bookmarking a link has the same effect as bookmarking the target location :-(
Another observation is that bookmarks for remote locations in URL form (smb://..., ftp://... etc.) will not be accessed in the same manner, so I'm thinking that the problem would be solved if I could trick the system into thinking the autofs mount point is one of those. (It *is* a remote location, of course, but not in the same way...) I have no idea how this might be done, however.
- Toralf
On Sun, 12 Jul 2015, Toralf Lund wrote:
Sorry about that, I clearly missed quite a lot of your post.
I think a symlink is your only option, if you can't cope with autofs mounting it when you don't want it (or failing to mount it). Depending on your reasons for not liking it trying to mount, you may find BROWSE_MODE with autofs satisfies Nautilus when the mount is unavailable.