(sorry, new thread, already dropped the previous postings)
Johnny H. just posted a surprising feature: filtering options for the announce list.
But they don't seem to be right or there is no announce standard. Pasi is posting storms of non i386 things. He uses:
"CentOS 3 s390"
the filter has:
"CentOS-3 s390"
On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 22:26 +0200, Henk van Lingen wrote:
(sorry, new thread, already dropped the previous postings)
Johnny H. just posted a surprising feature: filtering options for the announce list.
But they don't seem to be right or there is no announce standard. Pasi is posting storms of non i386 things. He uses:
"CentOS 3 s390"
the filter has:
"CentOS-3 s390"
I am trying to make it work either way :) ... but there is no documentation yet on the mailman website for this feature:
(CentOS 3 s390 or CentOS-3 s390) should both work and you should only get that arch...
Here is the mailman docs quote:
The GNU Mailman - List administrator's Manual by Terri Oda is available, but not yet complete.
And sure enough:
is blank
SO ... who is a smart regexp person ... or who has setup this feature in mailman before?
Well I have no problems with regexps...
(CentOS 3 s390 or CentOS-3 s390) should both work and you should only
but this doesn't look like a regexp to me...
maybe "CentOS 3[- ]s390" instead?
or "(CentOS 3 s390|CentOS-3 s390)"
or "CentOS( 3|-3) s390"
or "(CentOS 3 s390|CentOS-3 s390)"
Cheers, MaZe.
and maybe you need a .* at both the beginning and end?
as in ".*CentOS 3 s390.*"
... MaZe.
Besides, the problem is messages like this one:
CESA-2005:406 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 and x86_64
Well, here's my .procmailrc file...
it seems to work pretty well, cutting most everything which isn't related to CentOS 4 i386...
but it does rely on no 'x86_64 and i386' headers (it'll accept 'i386 and x86_64', but it'll drop 'x86_64 and i386')
The regexps are a lot stricter then they would have to be, but I prefer to have a strict match - it's less likely to make a mistake and match something it shouldn't.
Note that none of the following match replies (Re:), since I'm not yet sure what to do with them and whether they should even show up on the announce-list....
(you will of course have to change /var/spool/mail/maze to your own mailbox wherever it appears and change the second rule to match whatever centos version and architecture you want - plus change the centos 4/3/2 matches at the end [note that order is important - you first want to match to deliver and only then match to drop, hence '4' is first and '3' and '2' follow...]
as an example CENTOS 2 for s390x (does it exist? [lol]) would have
"CentOS 4(.[0-9])? i386" ---> "CentOS 2(.[0-9])? s390(x)" in rule [2]
and the later CENTOS 4/3/2 changed to CENTOS 2/4/3 in rules [4/5/6]
hope that's understandable enough...)
Cheers, MaZe.
############################### ##### CENTOS-ANNOUNCE BEG ##### ###############################
##### [1] Ignore Digests :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS] CentOS-announce Digest, Vol [0-9]+, Issue [0-9]+$ /dev/null
##### [2] Accept valid errata for CENTOS 4 i386 :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] CE[SBE]A-200[5-9][-:]([0-9][0-9][0-9](-[0-9][0-9])?|[01][0-9][0-3][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]):? ((Critical|Important|Moderate|Low|Information|BUG fix|Bugfix|Enhancement) |)CentOS 4(.[0-9])? i386 /var/spool/mail/maze
##### [3] Ignore any other valid errata :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] CE[SBE]A-200[5-9][-:]([0-9][0-9][0-9](-[0-9][0-9])?|[01][0-9][0-3][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]):? ((Critical|Important|Moderate|Low|Information|BUG fix|Bugfix|Enhancement) |)CentOS [234](.[0-9])? (i386|ia64|x86_64|s390(x)) /dev/null
##### [4] Accept other CENTOS 4 :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] .*CentOS( |-|)4 /var/spool/mail/maze
##### [5] Ignore other CENTOS 3 :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] .*CentOS( |-|)3 /dev/null
##### [6] Ignore other CENTOS 2 :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] .*CentOS( |-|)2 /dev/null
##### [7] We should possibly do something about Product Releases #* ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] Release Announcement: $name $version $arch
##### [8] Accept anything else which hasn't been classified... :0 H * ^Subject: [CentOS-announce] /var/spool/mail/maze
############################### ##### CENTOS-ANNOUNCE END ##### ###############################