The centos.org home page says CentOS-3 is based on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 ES. Would I be able to run >2 processors and >8GB memory on CentOS-3 (what RHEL _AS_ supports), or am I limited to what RHEL ES supports?
Thank you for your time. ~z
On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, first last wrote:
The centos.org home page says CentOS-3 is based on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 ES. Would I be able to run >2 processors and >8GB memory on CentOS-3 (what RHEL _AS_ supports), or am I limited to what RHEL ES supports?
afaict the support limitations are 'RH supported' limitations and not mandated by software - eg both versions run the same kernel.
There were warnings on boot but these have been removed.
Regards Lance