I am running squid with ncsa support.
Each user has a username and passowrd to access Internet.
Now the probles is that user now can access Internet with his username and password from all the workstations. I do not need it.
So, I think if I bind username to ip address, user can access Internet from that particular pc having that ip address.
How to do it?
On 21/03/07, Indunil Jayasooriya indunil75@gmail.com wrote:
I am running squid with ncsa support.
Each user has a username and passowrd to access Internet.
Now the probles is that user now can access Internet with his username and password from all the workstations. I do not need it.
So, I think if I bind username to ip address, user can access Internet from that particular pc having that ip address.
Have you done *any* research in to this before posting? Or read any documentation? I only ask because you don't state otherwise and 30 seconds Googling turns up a near identical request from someone on another mailing list...
in addition to other information.
You really should start by trying to solve your problems yourself and *then* post a detailed description of the problem complete with an outline of any research you've carried out and what conclusions you've drawn.