I'm having trouble with dnf repos in a centos:8 Docker container after I enable the continuous release repo:
1. docker pull centos:8 2. docker run -it centos:8 bash -i 3. From Docker container: * dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)' && dnf config-manager --enable cr * dnf update
The update results in:
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8 CentOS Linux 8 - ContinuousRelease 43 kB/s | 8.3 kB 00:00 Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'cr': repomd.xml parser error: Parse error at line: 66 (Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 0 and head )
/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Linux-ContinuousRelease.repo contains:
mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=$releasever&arch=$basearch&rep... #baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org/$contentdir/$releasever/cr/$basearch/os/
If I switch these around by commenting out mirrorlist and uncommenting baseurl, it works.
Is this a problem with a repo mirror?