Denniston, Todd A CIV NAVSURFWARCENDIV Crane wrote:
Behalf Of
I've retried again, and it still fails. I see that it's mounted
/dev/sda2, which is where I've got the contents of a DVD, as
Unless you specifically need the DVD contents, maybe try with the
ISOs instead... <snip>
And when you get towards package selection, anaconda fails indicating ' that it can't find "image# 1".'
The "image# 1" it is looking for is the .iso which could have been burnt
to a DVD for doing the install, i.e., not something from the images directory from THAT iso. <snip> Thank you, Todd, that was the answer. So, in RHEL 6, they're protecting us against ourselves (we might not have copied everything). So with the FAT32 partition as it was, I then deleted everything on the second partition, and copied both DVDs onto it... and it's installing even as we speak.
I suppose I need to submit a revised "how to build a USB key" for CentOS 6.
And then there's the bug report I need to file: my only question being whether it's with CentOS, or upstream.
Given this stupid bios, I had to make the USB key /dev/sda, so I told it not to install the bootloader. Went to reboot with linux rescue to install grub... and the same program that mounts the iso for the install, will *not* do that for linux rescue, and it wants images/install.img in the directory....
mark "ah, consistancy"