I am using kickstart to automate installs. working nicely. I now have a box with 2 NIC cards and I am getting prompted for which nick to use.
I have a line like: network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname tmp.msgnet.com
in my kickstart. This line does not seem to be enough to say install with eth0 even though there may be an eth1.
How do I tell kickstart to not prompt for which network and just use eth0.
On Mon, 19 May 2008, Jerry Geis wrote:
I am using kickstart to automate installs. working nicely. I now have a box with 2 NIC cards and I am getting prompted for which nick to use.
I have a line like: network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname tmp.msgnet.com
in my kickstart. This line does not seem to be enough to say install with eth0 even though there may be an eth1.
How do I tell kickstart to not prompt for which network and just use eth0.
ksdevice=eth0 .. read http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/KickStart?highlight=%28ksdevice%29 for more options ...;