I might have missed something in the list here.. But could someone point out some introductory material / docs regarding cmirror?
Is there something (even beta would do) in CentOS to read and understand about this?
OT- On Fossils: While I cannot claim "Fossil state" anywhere near some of the people who were doing cards -- I knew about them though -- when I was born, I have had my spell flicking switches to select boot device on a Texas Instrument DS 990 switching between the "Washing machine" disk and the 9" tape drive. (Now this is in India when a lot of restrictions -- both by Indian and other governments -- were there in Technology imports) The interesting part of it was the entirely memory mapped design and barely a few registers... and then in Prime 750 which had 5 huge boards which constituted a CPU. and a "hefty" amount of RAM -- 8MB. The thigs is they worked 24x7 and we were required to give a month's notice before shutting them down / rebooting unless there was a breakdown which was very rare. Just like Linux ^H^H^H^H^H^H Centos Servers
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Rajagopal Swaminathan wrote:
OT- On Fossils: While I cannot claim "Fossil state" anywhere near some of the people who were doing cards -- I knew about them though -- when I was born, I have had my spell flicking switches to select boot device on a Texas Instrument DS 990 switching between the "Washing machine" disk and the 9" tape drive. (Now this is in India when a lot of restrictions -- both by Indian and other governments -- were there in Technology imports) The interesting part of it was the entirely memory mapped design and barely a few registers... and then in Prime 750 which had 5 huge boards which constituted a CPU. and a "hefty" amount of RAM -- 8MB. The thigs is they worked 24x7 and we were required to give a month's notice before shutting them down / rebooting unless there was a breakdown which was very rare. Just like Linux ^H^H^H^H^H^H Centos Servers