I'm looking a linux freeware for sharing file with a web browser interface - protect file by password, send link to download by email....
Something like the following service:
http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/15-great-free-online-file-sharing-alternati ves/
The idea is to install this service in OUR server for sharing files beetwen other company. For differents reasons we don't want to store some files in other servers.
Any idea about a software we can use in our local server ?
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On 06/18/2010 08:42 AM, MOKRANI Rachid wrote:
I'm looking a linux freeware for sharing file with a web browser interface - protect file by password, send link to download by email....
Something like the following service:
http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/15-great-free-online-file-sharing-alternati ves/
The idea is to install this service in OUR server for sharing files beetwen other company. For differents reasons we don't want to store some files in other servers.
Any idea about a software we can use in our local server ?
You can use:
- FTP/FTPS (FTP over SSL) eg: ProFTPd package in CentOS - WebDAV: mod_dav in Apache - Put the in HTTP server and protect the directory with pawword ie: htaccess/htpasswd
MOKRANI Rachid wrote:
I'm looking a linux freeware for sharing file with a web browser interface - protect file by password, send link to download by email....
Something like the following service:
http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/15-great-free-online-file-sharing-alternati ves/
The idea is to install this service in OUR server for sharing files beetwen other company. For differents reasons we don't want to store some files in other servers.
Any idea about a software we can use in our local server ?
One I've used that has some of these features is "dl: download ticket service", available at:
http://www.thregr.org/~wavexx/software/dl/ http://freshmeat.net/projects/dl-ticket-service
MOKRANI Rachid wrote:
Any idea about a software we can use in our local server ?
I've used dokuwiki for this, where I've restricted the access to the wiki pages to registered users whom are in the appropriate user groups. the persons sending the files upload them as wiki attachments, use the wiki page itself to explain what the file is, then the other parties can download them from the wiki.