In case anyone is interested. Frank Tanner III emailed me his PDF file and I've put it up on my Web site at the following URL:
Do with it what you will.
Thank you for hosting it.
I would like to note that I revise it on a frequent basis because it is, what I consider to be, a living document. When new versions of the software come out, or I decide on a format change, typo, you name it.
The same could be said for the other documents in the pipe.
I realize you all may think you have something to say in this matter. But I feel that the discussion has gone on too long and has strayed completely off of the original topic.
I ask you all to please kindly and respectfully stop this thread.
The mailing list is becoming overly cluttered (today) with emails that have nothing to do with helping each other nor pertaining to the CentOS project.
If someone wishes to continue talking about this topic please take it off line.
Please do not respond to this message in the mailing list. If you wish to respond please respond to each other privately.
Thank you.
On Thu, 2007-06-07 at 15:24 -0400, wrote:
I would like to note that I revise it on a frequent basis because it is, what I consider to be, a living document. When new versions of the software come out, or I decide on a format change, typo, you name it.
Wrt. hosting: BerliOS provides free webhosting (and other infrastructure) for opensource projects. Among many popular projects, they also host some documentation projects:
-- Daniel