Other than the following copyrighted parts to CentOS 3.1, Does Definite Software Ltd have any copyright restrictions on any code written by persons on the CentOS 3.1 project?
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # anaconda-images.spec.mydiff #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #> Summary: Images used in the CentOS installer #> Release: 2.centos.1 #> License: GPL - CentOS logos Copyright 2003 and Trademark Definite Software #Ltd #> The anaconda-images package contains images used in anaconda, the CentOS #installer. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # redhat-artwork.spec.mydiff #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #> Summary: Artwork for CentOS default look-and-feel #> Release: 1E.centos.3 #> URL: http://www.centos.org #> License: GPL - CentOS logos Copyright 2003 and Trademark Definite Software #Ltd #> redhat-artwork contains the themes and icons that make up the CentOS #default #> - changed to CentOS artwork #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # redhat-logos.spec.mydiff #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #> Summary: CentOS-related icons and pictures. #> Release: 1.centos.3 #> License: GPL - CentOS logos Copyright 2003 and Trademark Definite Software #Ltd #> The redhat-logos package contains logos for CentOS. #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Kevin Wood Clarifying the question until the question becomes clear.